I can view the log using the following command.
aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name groupName --log-stream-name streamName --limit 100
Because CloudWatch logs can be delayed (i.e. not "realtime" by precise definition) you parse the previous events for the last timestamp and start the next iteration there. This script uses aws logs get-log-events
for which you must specify a valid stream_name
start_time=$(( ( $(date -u +"%s") - $start_seconds_ago ) * 1000 ))
while [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; do
loglines=$(aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name "$group_name" --log-stream-name "$stream_name" --start-time $start_time --output text)
[ $? -ne 0 ] && break
next_start_time=$( sed -nE 's/^EVENTS.([[:digit:]]+).+$/\1/ p' <<< "$loglines" | tail -n1 )
[ -n "$next_start_time" ] && start_time=$(( $next_start_time + 1 ))
echo "$loglines"
sleep 15
Or if you want to tail an entire log group, this script uses aws logs filter-log-events
without a stream name:
start_time=$(( ( $(date -u +"%s") - $start_seconds_ago ) * 1000 ))
while [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; do
loglines=$(aws logs filter-log-events --log-group-name "$group_name" --interleaved --start-time $start_time --output text)
[ $? -ne 0 ] && break
next_start_time=$( sed -nE 's/^EVENTS.([^[:blank:]]+).([[:digit:]]+).+$/\2/ p' <<< "$loglines" | tail -n1 )
[ -n "$next_start_time" ] && start_time=$(( $next_start_time + 1 ))
echo "$loglines"
sleep 15
I've also put up the scripts that I use as GitHub gists: https://gist.github.com/tekwiz/964a3a8d2d84ff4c8b5288d9a703fbce.
Warning: the above code & scripts are written for my macOS system which is customized (bastardized??) with Homebrew and GNU coreutils, so some command options may need to be tweaked for your system. Edits are welcome :)