In Xcode 7 GM I started to get this warning:
Pointer is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified)
You need to specify nullable
also for the handlers/blocks
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)value
forKey:(nonnull NSString *)defaultName
objectChanged:(nullable void(^)(NSUserDefaults *userDefaults, id value))changeHandler
objectRamains:(nullable void(^)(NSUserDefaults *userDefaults, id value))remainHandler;
Why? It's due to Swift. Swift allows optional parameters (?), which Objective-C does not. This is done as a bridge between the both of them for the Swift compiler to know those parameters are optional. A 'Nonnull' will tell the Swift compiler that the argument is the required. A nullable that it is optional
For more info read: