I\'m using Autocomplete from jquery-ui. In the multiple values, you can get dropdown list for each word after space, but the dropdown appears at the size of the input box. Is it
As the other answers have suggested, we measure the width of the text in the input field (using a hidden element), then offset the autocomplete box. We can also reset the width of the autocomplete box so that it's only as wide as the longest suggestion (demo):
open: function( event, ui ) {
var input = $( event.target ),
widget = input.autocomplete( "widget" ),
style = $.extend( input.css( [
] ), {
position: "absolute",
visibility: "hidden",
"padding-right": 0,
"border-right": 0,
"white-space": "pre"
} ),
div = $( "" ),
pos = {
my: "left top",
collision: "none"
offset = -7; // magic number to align the first letter
// in the text field with the first letter
// of suggestions
// depends on how you style the autocomplete box
widget.css( "width", "" );
.text( input.val().replace( /\S*$/, "" ) )
.css( style )
.insertAfter( input );
offset = Math.min(
Math.max( offset + div.width(), 0 ),
input.width() - widget.width()
pos.at = "left+" + offset + " bottom";
input.autocomplete( "option", "position", pos );
widget.position( $.extend( { of: input }, pos ) );
Update: Fixed autocomplete box positioning
Update 2: Another autocomplete box positioning fix