I was hoping someone out there could provide me with an equation to calculate a 1km square (X from a.aaa to b.bbb, Y from c.ccc to c.ccc) around a given point, say lat = 5
Here is something from my notes to be used on Android with its decimal GPS.
Lat Long: NY City 40N 47 73W 58 40.783333 73.966667
Wash DC 38N 53 77W 02 38.883333 77.033333
yields = 209 miles !! VERY CLOSE
Distance (miles) (x) = 69.1 (lat2-lat1) Distance(miles) (y) = 53.0 (long2 - long1) As crow flys sqrt (x2 + y2) ... duh!@
delta(LAT) / Mile = .014472 delta(LONG) / Mile = .018519
Using a box as approximation To find someone within 100 miles (100 north / 100 south, 100 E / 100 W) From 0,0 -14.472 / + 14.472 , -18.519 / 18.519