Keycloak adaptor for golang application

前端 未结 2 1019
眼角桃花 2021-01-31 00:07

I am going to secure my golang application using keycloak, but keycloak itself does not support go language.

There are some go adaptor as an open project in github that

  •  余生分开走
    2021-01-31 00:22

    As you have pointed out, there is no official keycloak adapter for golang. But it is pretty straight forward to implement it. Here is a little walk through.

    Keycloak server

    For this example, I will use the official keycloak docker image to start the server. The version used is 4.1.0.Final. I think this will work with older KeyCloak versions too though.

    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=keycloak -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=k --name keycloak jboss/keycloak:4.1.0.Final

    After the server is up and running, you can open localhost:8080/auth in your browser, navigate to the administration console and login with username keycloak and k as the corresponding password.

    I will not go through the complete process of creating a realm/clients/users. You can look this up under

    Here is just an outline for what I did to reproduce this example:

    1. create a realm named demo
    2. turn off the requirement of ssl for this realm (realmsettings -> login -> require ssl)
    3. create a client named demo-client (change the "Access Type" to confidential)
    4. create a user named demo with password demo (users -> add user). Make sure to activate and impersonate this user.
    5. configure the demo-client to be confidential and use http://localhost:8181/demo/callback as a valid redirect URI.

    The resulting keycloak.json (obtained from the installation tab) looks like this:

        "realm": "demo",
        "auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
        "ssl-required": "none",
        "resource": "demo-client",
        "credentials": {
            "secret": "cbfd6e04-a51c-4982-a25b-7aaba4f30c81"
        "confidential-port": 0

    Beware that your secret will be different though.

    The Go Server

    Let's go over to the go server. I use the package for the heavy lifting:

    package main
    import (
        oidc ""
    func main() {
        configURL := "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo"
        ctx := context.Background()
        provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, configURL)
        if err != nil {
        clientID := "demo-client"
        clientSecret := "cbfd6e04-a51c-4982-a25b-7aaba4f30c81"
        redirectURL := "http://localhost:8181/demo/callback"
        // Configure an OpenID Connect aware OAuth2 client.
        oauth2Config := oauth2.Config{
            ClientID:     clientID,
            ClientSecret: clientSecret,
            RedirectURL:  redirectURL,
            // Discovery returns the OAuth2 endpoints.
            Endpoint: provider.Endpoint(),
            // "openid" is a required scope for OpenID Connect flows.
            Scopes: []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, "profile", "email"},
        state := "somestate"
        oidcConfig := &oidc.Config{
            ClientID: clientID,
        verifier := provider.Verifier(oidcConfig)
        http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            rawAccessToken := r.Header.Get("Authorization")
            if rawAccessToken == "" {
                http.Redirect(w, r, oauth2Config.AuthCodeURL(state), http.StatusFound)
            parts := strings.Split(rawAccessToken, " ")
            if len(parts) != 2 {
            _, err := verifier.Verify(ctx, parts[1])
            if err != nil {
                http.Redirect(w, r, oauth2Config.AuthCodeURL(state), http.StatusFound)
            w.Write([]byte("hello world"))
        http.HandleFunc("/demo/callback", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            if r.URL.Query().Get("state") != state {
                http.Error(w, "state did not match", http.StatusBadRequest)
            oauth2Token, err := oauth2Config.Exchange(ctx, r.URL.Query().Get("code"))
            if err != nil {
                http.Error(w, "Failed to exchange token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
            rawIDToken, ok := oauth2Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
            if !ok {
                http.Error(w, "No id_token field in oauth2 token.", http.StatusInternalServerError)
            idToken, err := verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken)
            if err != nil {
                http.Error(w, "Failed to verify ID Token: "+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
            resp := struct {
                OAuth2Token   *oauth2.Token
                IDTokenClaims *json.RawMessage // ID Token payload is just JSON.
            }{oauth2Token, new(json.RawMessage)}
            if err := idToken.Claims(&resp.IDTokenClaims); err != nil {
                http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
            data, err := json.MarshalIndent(resp, "", "    ")
            if err != nil {
                http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8181", nil))

    This program starts a regular http server with two endpoints. The first one ("/") is your regular endpoint that handles application logic. In this case, it only returns "hello world" to your client.

    The second endpoint ("/demo/callback") is used as a callback for keycloak. This endpoint needs to be registered on your keycloak server. Keycloak will issue a redirect to this callback URL upon successful user authentication. The redirect contains some additional query parameters. These parameters contain a code that can be used to obtain access/id tokens.

    Verify your setup

    In order to test this setup you can open a webbrowser and navitage to http://localhost:8181. The request should reach your go server, which tries to authenticate you. Since you did not send a token, the go server will redirecty you to keycloak to authenticate. You should see the login screen of keycloak. Login with the demo user you have created for this realm (demo/demo). If you have configured your keycloak correctly, it will authenticate you and redirect you to your go server callback.

    The end result should be a json like this

        "OAuth2Token": {
            "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJsc1hHR2VxSmx3UUZweWVYR0x6b2plZXBYSEhXUngtTHVJTVVLdDBmNmlnIn0.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.KERz8rBddxM9Qho3kgigX-fClWqbKY-3JcWT3JOQDoLa-prkorfa40BWlyf9ULVgjzT2d8FLJpqQIQYvucKU7Q7vFBVIjTGucUZaE7b6JGMea5H34A1i-MNm7L2CzDJ2GnBONhNwLKoftTSl0prbzwkzcVrps-JAZ6L2gssSa5hBBGJYBKAUfm1OIb57Jq0vzro3vLghZ4Ay7iNunwfcHUrxiFJfUjaU6PQwzrA5pnItOPuavJFUgso7-3JLtn3X9GQuyyZKrkDo6-gzU0JZmkQQzAXXgt43NxooryImuacwSB5xbIKY6qFkedldoOPehld1-oLv0Yy_FIwEad3uLw",
            "token_type": "bearer",
            "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJsc1hHR2VxSmx3UUZweWVYR0x6b2plZXBYSEhXUngtTHVJTVVLdDBmNmlnIn0.eyJqdGkiOiI0MjdmMTlhYy1jMTkzLTQ2YmQtYWFhNi0wY2Q1OTI5NmEwMGQiLCJleHAiOjE1MzIxNzUxNTIsIm5iZiI6MCwiaWF0IjoxNTMyMTczMzUyLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjgwODAvYXV0aC9yZWFsbXMvZGVtbyIsImF1ZCI6ImRlbW8tY2xpZW50Iiwic3ViIjoiMzgzMzhjOGItYWQ3Zi00NjlmLTgzOTgtMTc5ODk1ODFiYTEyIiwidHlwIjoiUmVmcmVzaCIsImF6cCI6ImRlbW8tY2xpZW50IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjowLCJzZXNzaW9uX3N0YXRlIjoiY2U4NjVhZGQtNjdiOC00OTA1LThmMDMtOWMxNjAzYzFiYTBkIiwicmVhbG1fYWNjZXNzIjp7InJvbGVzIjpbIm9mZmxpbmVfYWNjZXNzIiwidW1hX2F1dGhvcml6YXRpb24iXX0sInJlc291cmNlX2FjY2VzcyI6eyJhY2NvdW50Ijp7InJvbGVzIjpbIm1hbmFnZS1hY2NvdW50IiwibWFuYWdlLWFjY291bnQtbGlua3MiLCJ2aWV3LXByb2ZpbGUiXX19LCJzY29wZSI6Im9wZW5pZCBwcm9maWxlIGVtYWlsIn0.FvvDW6ZSH8mlRR2zgaN1zesX14SmkCs9RrIVU4Jn1-SHVdKEA6YKur0-RUAFTObQDMLVhFFJ05AjGVGWpBrgVDcAwW2pI9saM-OHlyTJ3VfFoylgfzakVOIpbIDnHO12UaJrkOI9NWPAJdbBOzBHfsDhKbxhjg4ZX8SwlKr42rV4WWuSRcNu4_YDVO19SiXSCKXVldZ1_2S-qPvViq7VZfaoRLHuYyDvma_ByMsmib9JUkevJ8dxsYxVQ5FWaAfFanh1a1f8HxNRI-Cl180oPn1_Tqq_SYwxzBCw7Q_ENkMirwRS1a4cX9yMVEDW2uvKz2D-OiNAUK8d_ONuPEkTGQ",
            "expiry": "2018-07-21T13:47:28.986686385+02:00"
        "IDTokenClaims": {
            "jti": "f4d56526-37d9-4d32-b99d-81090e92d3a7",
            "exp": 1532173652,
            "nbf": 0,
            "iat": 1532173352,
            "iss": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
            "aud": "demo-client",
            "sub": "38338c8b-ad7f-469f-8398-17989581ba12",
            "typ": "ID",
            "azp": "demo-client",
            "auth_time": 1532173352,
            "session_state": "ce865add-67b8-4905-8f03-9c1603c1ba0d",
            "acr": "1",
            "email_verified": true,
            "preferred_username": "demo",
            "email": ""

    You can copy your access token and use curl to verify if the server is able to accept your tokens:

    # use your complete access token here
    export TOKEN="eyJhbG..."
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" localhost:8181
    # output hello world

    You can try it again after the token has expired - or temper with the token. In case you do it, you should get a redirect to your keycloak server again.
