How can I resolve dependencies to a controller that is testable?
How it works: A URI is routed to a Controller, a Controller may have dependencies to pe
What would be the dependencies that you are talking about in a controller?
The to major solution would be:
I am going to try to describe both approaches separately in detail.
Note: all examples will be leaving out interaction with view, handling of authorization, dealing with dependencies of service factory and other specifics
The simplified part of bootstrap stage, which deals with kicking off stuff to the controller, would look kinda like this
$request = //... we do something to initialize and route this
$resource = $request->getParameter('controller');
$command = $request->getMethod() . $request->getParameter('action');
$factory = new ServiceFactory;
if ( class_exists( $resource ) ) {
$controller = new $resource( $factory );
$controller->{$command}( $request );
} else {
// do something, because requesting non-existing thing
This approach provides a clear way for extending and/or substituting the model layer related code simply by passing in a different factory as the dependency. In controller it would look something like this:
public function __construct( $factory )
$this->serviceFactory = $factory;
public function postLogin( $request )
$authentication = $this->serviceFactory->create( 'Authentication' );
This means, that, to test this controller's method, you would have to write a unit-test, which mock the content of $this->serviceFactory
, the created instance and the passed in value of $request
. Said mock would need to return an instance, which can accept two parameter.
Note: The response to the user should be handled entirely by view instance, since creating the response is part of UI logic. Keep in mind that HTTP Location header is also a form of response.
The unit-test for such controller would look like:
public function test_if_Posting_of_Login_Works()
// setting up mocks for the seam
$service = $this->getMock( 'Services\Authentication', ['login']);
$service->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'login' )
->with( $this->equalTo('foo'),
$this->equalTo('bar') );
$factory = $this->getMock( 'ServiceFactory', ['create']);
$factory->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'create' )
->with( $this->equalTo('Authentication'))
->will( $this->returnValue( $service ) );
$request = $this->getMock( 'Request', ['getParameter']);
$request->expects( $this->exactly(2) )
->method( 'getParameter' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls( 'foo', 'bar' ) );
// test itself
$instance = new SomeController( $factory );
$instance->postLogin( $request );
// done
Controllers are supposed to be the thinnest part of the application. The responsibility of controller is: take user input and, based on that input, alter the state of model layer (and in rare case - current view). That's it.
This other approach is .. well .. it's basically a trade of complexity (subtract in one place, add more on others). It also relays on having a real DI containers, instead of glorified service locators, like Pimple.
My recommendation: check out Auryn.
What a DI container does is, using either configuration file or reflection, it determines dependencies for the instance, that you want to create. Collects said dependencies. And passes in the constructor for the instance.
$request = //... we do something to initialize and route this
$resource = $request->getParameter('controller');
$command = $request->getMethod() . $request->getParameter('action');
$container = new DIContainer;
try {
$controller = $container->create( $resource );
$controller->{$command}( $request );
} catch ( FubarException $e ) {
// do something, because requesting non-existing thing
So, aside from ability to throw exception, the bootstrapping of the controller stays pretty much the same.
Also, at this point you should already recognize, that switching from one approach to other would mostly require complete rewrite of controller (and the associated unit tests).
The controller's method in this case would look something like:
private $authenticationService;
#IMPORTANT: if you are using reflection-based DI container,
#then the type-hinting would be MANDATORY
public function __construct( Service\Authentication $authenticationService )
$this->authenticationService = $authenticationService;
public function postLogin( $request )
As for writing a test, in this case again all you need to do is provide some mocks for isolation and simply verify. But, in this case, the unit testing is simpler:
public function test_if_Posting_of_Login_Works()
// setting up mocks for the seam
$service = $this->getMock( 'Services\Authentication', ['login']);
$service->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'login' )
->with( $this->equalTo('foo'),
$this->equalTo('bar') );
$request = $this->getMock( 'Request', ['getParameter']);
$request->expects( $this->exactly(2) )
->method( 'getParameter' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls( 'foo', 'bar' ) );
// test itself
$instance = new SomeController( $service );
$instance->postLogin( $request );
// done
As you can see, in this case you have one less class to mock.
Coupling to the name (in the examples - "authentication"):
As you might have notices, in both examples your code would be coupled to the name of service, which was used. And even if you use configuration-based DI container (as it is possible in symfony), you still will end up defining name of the specific class.
DI containers are not magic:
The use of DI containers has been somewhat hyped in past couple years. It is not a silver bullet. I would even go as far as to say that: DI containers are incompatible with SOLID. Specifically because they do not work with interfaces. You cannot really use polymorphic behavior in the code, that will be initialized by a DI container.
Then there is the problem with configuration-based DI. Well .. it's just beautiful while project is tiny. But as project grows, the configuration file grows too. You can end up with glorious WALL of xml/yaml configuration, which is understood by only one single person in project.
And the third issue is complexity. Good DI containers are not simple to make. And if you use 3rd party tool, you are introducing additional risks.
Too many dependencies:
If your class has too many dependencies, then it is not a failure of DI as practice. Instead it is a clear indication, that your class is doing too many things. It is violating Single Responsibility Principle.
Controllers actually have (some) logic:
The examples used above were extremely simple and where interacting with model layer through a single service. In real world your controller methods will contain control-structures (loops, conditionals, stuff).
The most basic use-case would be a controller which handles contact form with as "subject" dropdown. Most of the messages would be directed to a service that communicates with some CRM. But if user pick "report a bug", then the message should be passed to a difference service which automatically create a ticket in bug tracker and sends some notifications.
It's PHP Unit:
The examples of unit-tests are written using PHPUnit framework. If you are using some other framework, or writing tests manually, you would have to make some basic alterations
You will have more tests:
The unit-test example are not the entire set of tests that you will have for a controller's method. Especially, when you have controllers that are non-trivial.
There are some .. emm ... tangential subjects.
Brace for: shameless self-promotion
dealing with access control in MVC-like architecture
Some frameworks have nasty habit of pushing the authorization checks (do not confuse with "authentication" .. different subject) in the controller. Aside from being completely stupid thing to do, it also introduces additional dependencies (often - globally scoped) in the controllers.
There is another post which uses similar approach for introducing non-invasive logging
list of lectures
It's kinda aimed at people who want to learn about MVC, but materials there are actually for general education in OOP and development practices. The idea is that, by the time when you are done with that list, MVC and other SoC implementations will only cause you to go "Oh, this had a name? I thought it was just common sense."
implementing model layer
Explains what those magical "services" are in the description above.