I need some help making a set of stacked bar charts in python with matlibplot. My basic code is below but my problems is how to generate the value for bottom fo
I have just recently faced the same problem. Afterwards I decided to wrap it all up in a nice class. For anyone interested you get an implementation of a stacked bar graph class here:
It allows scaled stacked graphs as well as setting bar widths and set heights (with scaled inners).
Given a data set like this:
d = np.array([[101.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],
d_heights = [1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.]
d_widths = [.5,1.,3.,2.,1.,2.]
d_labels = ["fred","julie","sam","peter","rob","baz"]
d_colors = ['#2166ac',
It can make images like this:
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