I\'m aware of the built in code generation and refactoring one can do with the \"Source\" and \"Refactor\" menu items in Eclipse.
I also use the Commonclipse plugin to
Here are three java code generators that you may find interesting :
picocog : A tiny code generation library (< 8 KB) written in Java, useful for any purpose, but ideal for JSR-269. There are tutorials available at dev.to and dzone.com.
The JmrTeam generator : Jet Model Robotization available for Eclipse (coming soon for IDEA), useful for managing and generating code in any kind of project(Maven, Gradle, Java, Python, Php etc.), any kind of framework(springboot/spring/springMVC, React/ Vue/Angular, hibernate, mybatis, struts, JPA etc.).
javapoet : A Java API for generating .java source files.
jhipster :An open Source application platform for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue projects. The generator source code is available here