I am setting up the backbone sync mechanism and am a bit confused where to generate the id\'s for the models.
When I create a new model, should backbone be generating an
or is there some sort of mechanism where I "PUT" the data to the server, which generates the id and returns a model with the id?
Kind of. When you call the save method of your model, backbone make a POST XHR and your application server should respond with JSON contains an id. You can see an example here: http://addyosmani.com/blog/building-backbone-js-apps-with-ruby-sinatra-mongodb-and-haml/
Quoting from the link:
post '/api/:thing' do
# parse the post body of the content being posted, convert to a string, insert into
# the collection #thing and return the ObjectId as a string for reference
oid = DB.collection(params[:thing]).insert(JSON.parse(request.body.read.tos))
"{\"id\": \"#{oid.to_s}\"}"
If you don't know Ruby keep in mind what the last expression that is evaluated is automatically returned by the method.