Is there any easy (scriptable) way to convert a PDF with vector images into a PDF with raster images? In other words, I want to generate a PDF with the exact same (un-rasterized
I used the following:
gswin32c -o "%2" -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r72x72 -dUseCropBox -dFitPage "%1" -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE
where %1
is the input file and %2
is the output. This can be used with LaTeX, the generated PNG has the same ratio and page size as the original PDF so the relative position of the image will not change.
Note that in Linux, you may need to use gs
rather than gswin32c
You can also set the page range and then print the pages back to PDF. The downside is that the text gets rasterized as well.