I am using backbone to build my web app.
Currently I am facing an issue whereby if I am on the home page, I am unable to refresh the same page by just clicking on the \'
Looking at the backbone.js source, it seems as though this is not possible by default, since it only responds to a url change. And since clicking the same link, you would not trigger a change event.
Code in Backbone.History:
$(window).bind('hashchange', this.checkUrl);
You'll need to handle a non-change yourself. Here's what I did:
$('.nav-links').click(function(e) {
var newFragment = Backbone.history.getFragment($(this).attr('href'));
if (Backbone.history.fragment == newFragment) {
// need to null out Backbone.history.fragement because
// navigate method will ignore when it is the same as newFragment
Backbone.history.fragment = null;
Backbone.history.navigate(newFragment, true);