I understand what System.WeakReference does, but what I can\'t seem to grasp is a practical example of what it might be useful for. The class itself seems to me to be, well, a h
I use it to implement a cache where unused entries are automatically garbage collected:
class Cache : IEnumerable>
{ Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
public TValue this[TKey key]
{ get {lock(dict){ return getInternal(key);}}
set {lock(dict){ setInteral(key,value);}}
void setInteral(TKey key, TValue val)
{ if (dict.ContainsKey(key)) dict[key].Target = val;
else dict.Add(key,new WeakReference(val));
public void Clear() { dict.Clear(); }
/// Removes any dead weak references
/// The number of cleaned-up weak references
public int CleanUp()
{ List toRemove = new List(dict.Count);
foreach(KeyValuePair kv in dict)
{ if (!kv.Value.IsAlive) toRemove.Add(kv.Key);
foreach (TKey k in toRemove) dict.Remove(k);
return toRemove.Count;
public bool Contains(string key)
{ lock (dict) { return containsInternal(key); }
bool containsInternal(TKey key)
{ return (dict.ContainsKey(key) && dict[key].IsAlive);
public bool Exists(Predicate match)
{ if (match==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("match");
lock (dict)
{ foreach (WeakReference weakref in dict.Values)
{ if ( weakref.IsAlive
&& match((TValue) weakref.Target)) return true;
return false;
/* ... */