I\'m trying to use PHPUnit\'s returnValueMap() to stub out the results of a read. It isn\'t yielding the expected results, but an equivalent returnCallback() does. I\'ve made
The Problem seems to lie either somewhere else in the code or might be an issue with an old PHPUnit version.
For me it works using this code:
cat EnterpriseTest.php
getMock('Enterprise', array('field'));
array('subscription_id', null),
array('name', 'Monday Farms')
class Enterprise {
public function field($name) {
public function subscribe() {
echo 'Subscription ID: ';
echo 'Name: ';
phpunit-dev EnterpriseTest.php
PHPUnit 3.7.6 by Sebastian Bergmann.
.Subscription ID: NULL
Name: string(12) "Monday Farms"
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 6.75Mb
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)
So while I can't tell why it doesn't work I can at least tell you that you are doing it right and that you've understood returnValueMap
correctly :)