I\'m trying to access the cx & cy attributes of some specific svg circles which i have already drawn to the screen using d3.js\'s .data() function, can anyone help out? The
The filter method in the accepted answer is correct. The second approach in the accepted answer (using .each) is incorrect, and contains the same error as the questioner was making: if .data() is not called (which is the case here), then first argument d passed to .each will be undefined (and not the "current dom node", as all newbies, including myself, would expect); the current dom node you get via d3.select(this), which is correct within the if statement at the very end - the error is in the if test condition. Correct version follows.
var elt = d3.select(this);
if (elt.attr("id") == "yourTargetIdGoesHere"){
console.log( elt.attr("cx") );
fiddle: fiddle (containing code for both versions, i.e. filter and each)
UPDATE: my answer was assuming that you didn't use .data(), since you did not give the code for that; later I saw that you wrote that you did use .data()
in that case, depending on your data structure, replacing d.attr("cx") by plain d.cx might work.