My questions are:
To view Theme files for ST3, install PackageResourceViewer via PackageControl.
Then, you can use the Ctrl + Shift + P >> PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource
to view theme files.
To edit a specific background color, you need to create a new file in your user packages folder Packages/User/SublimeLinter
with the same name as the theme currently applied to your sublime text file.
However, if your theme is a 3rd party theme package installed via package control, you can edit the hex value in that file directly, under background. For example:
Otherwise, if you are trying to modify a native sublime theme, add the following to the new file you create (named the same as the native theme, such as Monokai.sublime-color-scheme
) with your color choice
"background": "rgb(5,5,5)"
Then, you can open the file you wish the syntax / color to be applied to and then go to Syntax-Specific settings (under Preferences) and add the path of the file to the syntax specific settings file like so:
"color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Monokai.sublime-color-scheme"
Note that if you have installed a theme via package control, it probably has the .tmTheme
file extension.
If you are wanting to edit the background color of the sidebar to be darker, go to Preferences > Theme > Adaptive.sublime-theme
This my answer based on my personal experience and info gleaned from the accepted answer on this page, if you'd like more information.