I just started using Maven and I read that plugins are additional components that can be used.
A typical structure of pom.xml
file is
As additional answer for Reporting Plugins (e.g. maven-checkstyle-plugin) there are 2 tags under which plugins can go in pom.xml, under build and reporting.
Using the reporting Tag VS build Tag
Configuring a reporting plugin in the or elements in the pom does NOT have the same behavior!
mvn site
It uses only the parameters defined in the element of each reporting Plugin specified in the element, i.e. site always ignores the parameters defined in the element of each plugin specified in .
mvn aplugin:areportgoal
It uses firstly the parameters defined in the element of each reporting Plugin specified in the element; if a parameter is not found, it will look up to a parameter defined in the element of each plugin specified in .
Source: https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html#Using_the_reporting_Tag_VS_build_Tag