I have multiple volumes (as nearly everybody nowadays): on Windows they end up specified as C:, D: and so on. How do I list these all like on a Unix machine with \"ls /mnt/\" wi
This is pretty old, but I found following worth noting:
PS N:\> (measure-command {Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk|select -property deviceid|%{$_.deviceid}|out-host}).totalmilliseconds
PS N:\> (measure-command {gdr -psprovider 'filesystem'|%{$_.name}|out-host}).totalmilliseconds
Without filtering properties, on my test system, 4319.4196ms to 1777.7237ms. Unless I need a PS-Drive object returned, I'll stick with WMI.
EDIT: I think we have a winner: PS N:> (measure-command {[System.IO.DriveInfo]::getdrives()|%{$_.name}|out-host}).totalmilliseconds 110.9819