I\'ve recently tried running a cron job from within a linked docker container and run into an issue. My main docker container is linked to a postgres container and its port numb
One can append the system environment variables to the top of a crontab file by using wrapper shell script to run the cron daemon. The following example is from CentOs 7,
In the Dockerfile
COPY my_cron /tmp/my_cron
COPY bin/run-crond.sh run-crond.sh
RUN chmod -v +x /run-crond.sh
CMD ["/run-crond.sh"]
# prepend application environment variables to crontab
env | egrep '^MY_VAR' | cat - /tmp/my_cron > /etc/cron.d/my_cron
# Run cron deamon
# -m off : sending mail is off
# tail makes the output to cron.log viewable with the $(docker logs container_id) command
/usr/sbin/crond -m off && tail -f /var/log/cron.log
This is based on a great blog post somewhere, but I lost the link.