I have a data driven Angular application. I have a toggle component which I pass in a toggled state. My issue is that the two way data binding does not seem to work unless i p
Although the question has more than 2 years old I want to contribute my 5 cents...
It isn't a problem about Angular, its about how Javascript works... Simple variables (number, string, boolean, etc) are passed by value whereas complex ones (objects, arrays) are passed by reference:
You can read more about this in Kyle Simpson´s series You dont know js:
So, you can use an @Input() object variable to share scope between components without need to use emitters, observers and whatever similar.
// In toggle component you define your Input as an config object
@Input() vm: Object = {};
// In the Component that uses toggle componet you pass an object where you define all needed needed variables as properties from that object:
config: Object = {
model: 'whateverValue',
id: 'whateverId'
This way you can modify all object properties and you get same value in both components because they share same reference.