I\'m using Ubuntu 15.04. While running the following command:
npm install fsevents
I\'m getting following error:
npm WARN optio
For me, I shelled into some server, and was like "why won't this work?", getting this error:
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-130-generic
npm ERR! argv "/home/william/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.3/bin/node" "/home/william/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.3/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v4.4.3
npm ERR! npm v2.15.1
npm ERR! notsup Unsupported
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents@1.1.3
npm ERR! notsup Valid OS: darwin
npm ERR! notsup Valid Arch: any
npm ERR! notsup Actual OS: linux
npm ERR! notsup Actual Arch: x64
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/william/app/mcard-api/npm-debug.log
Turns out this server (that I only recently acquired) was running npm 2.15.1. I re-installed nvm, and nvm install --lts fixed it.