To find the max viewport height of a device including the space of the address bar
so that we can dynamically resize the min-body and push our c
You could try a self-invoking closure that monitors the change in orientation by itself. Something like this:
(function () {
var CurrentHeight;
(function CheckForOrientationChange() {
//var NewHeight = window.screen.availHeight / window.devicePixelRatio;
//var NewHeight = $(window).height();
var NewHeight = $('#WidthCheck').width();
if (CurrentHeight && CurrentHeight!== NewHeight ) {
alert(NewHeight); // change here
CurrentHeight = NewHeight;
setTimeout(CheckForOrientationChange, 1000);
Just drop this into the document ready function. For now it checks every second but you can shorten that interval. The jsfiddle is here and you can test it by changing the size of the browser to simulate a mobile browser's change and then you can adapt the code to handle your action.