I am trying to get the driving distance between two points with lat/lon given. I can manually put them into google map and get the driving distance but I want to do all this pr
I've written the googleway package to do this using Google Maps API
In particular, the google_directions()
function will give you driving distances, directions, routes, legs, steps etc.
And the google_distance()
function will give you a distance matrix for all the origins/destinations
You need a Google API key to use their API
## your valid API key
key <- "your_api_key_here"
directions <- google_directions(origin = c(37.193489,-121.07395),
destination = c(37.151616,-121.046586),
key = key,
simplify = T)
# [[1]]
# distance.text distance.value duration.text duration.value duration_in_traffic.text duration_in_traffic.value end_address
# 1 5.2 km 5250 3 mins 161 3 mins 156 I-5, Gustine, CA 95322, USA
# end_location.lat end_location.lng start_address start_location.lat start_location.lng
# 1 37.15162 -121.0466 I-5, Gustine, CA 95322, USA 37.19349 -121.074
# steps
# 1 5.2 km, 5250, 3 mins, 161, 37.1516163, -121.0465852, Head southeast on I-5 S, ij_bFfg~aVpBgA`DkB~FeDbIwEpEgCtaAsj@nAs@lDqBxIaF~FgDlHcEjC{AdFuCrBkAhC{A|A{@|A}@bAk@rBkArBkA|A{@`DiB|A}@vDwBdAm@dAm@rBkA|A{@zA{@~J{FpC_B~A}@tBkAjHeEvGuDlMmHtBkAVO, 37.1934864, -121.0739565, DRIVING
# traffic_speed_entry via_waypoint
google_distance(origins = list(c(37.193489,-121.07395)),
destinations = list(c(37.151616,-121.046586)),
key = key,
simplify = T,
units = "imperial")
# $destination_addresses
# [1] "I-5, Gustine, CA 95322, USA"
# $origin_addresses
# [1] "I-5, Gustine, CA 95322, USA"
# $rows
# elements
# 1 3.3 mi, 5250, 3 mins, 161, 3 mins, 157, OK
# $status
# [1] "OK"
Given the google_directions()
function returns a polyline (the line you get on Google Maps when you search for a route), we can plot it on a Google Map
key <- 'your_map_api_key'
df_route <- decode_pl(directions$routes$overview_polyline$points)
google_map(data = df_route, key = key, height = 800, search_box = T) %>%
## or you can use `add_polyline()` to view the entire line