I would like to get the image path of a field. I\'m in a node and I need the Url of image in order to put it as a background-image in inline css. I can\'t find the solution. Can
I am afraid, none of the solutions above are correct. They don't follow Drupal standards.
// field_video_image is the name of the image field
// using field_get_items() you can get the field values (respecting multilingual setup)
$field_video_image = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_video_image');
// after you have the values, you can get the image URL (you can use foreach here)
$image_url = file_create_url($field_video_image[0]['uri']);
More details here: http://www.computerminds.co.uk/articles/rendering-drupal-7-fields-right-way