I have yet to figure out how to directly respond to only the sender using socket.io
I have learned that io.sockets.emit sends to all clients but I wont to send informati
When your server listens, you usually get a socket at the "connection" event :
require('socket.io').on('connect', function(socket){
A socket connects 2 points : the client and the server. When you emit on this socket, you emit to this specific client.
Example :
var io = require('socket.io');
io.on('connect', function(socket){
socket.on('A', function(something){
// we just received a message
// let's respond to *that* client :
socket.emit('B', somethingElse);
Be careful that those are two different calls :
: emit to just one socketio.sockets.emit
: emit to all sockets