i would like to replace my node-http-proxy module with nginx proxy_pass module. Is it possible with new released nginx version, as i have read, that it supports HTTP/1.1 out of
No, this is not yet possible; nginx 1.2 incorporates stuff from the 1.1.x development branch which indeed includes HTTP/1.1 reverse proxying. Websocket connections are established using the HTTP/1.1 "Upgrade" header, but the fact that nginx now supports this kind of headers does not mean it supports websockets (websockets are a different protocol, not HTTP). (I tried this myself using the 1.1.x branch (which I found to be stable enough for my purpose) and it doesn't work without the tcp_module)
Websockets will probably be supported in 1.3.x ( http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/roadmap ).
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