So I created i3.large with NVME disk on each nodes, here was my process :
I have been using "c5" type instances since almost a month, "c5d.4xlarge" mostly with nvme drives. So, here's what worked for me:
first get the location nvme is located at:
mine always was mounted at nvme1n1
Then check if is an empty volume and doens't any file system, (it mostly doesn't, unless you are remounting). the output should be /dev/nvme1n1: data
for empty drives:
sudo file -s /dev/nvme1n1
Then do this to format(if from last step you learned that your drive had file system and isn't an empty drive. skip this and go to next step):
sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1
Then create a folder in current directory and mount the nvme drive:
sudo mkdir /data
sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /data
you can now even check it's existence by running:
df -h