I can\'t find how to manage images in a private registry. I can push or pull an image because i know the id but how to get the list of pushed images ?
Take for example
Thanks Thomas !
To allow the use of the search API, you must start the container by specifying the value of the environment variable SEARCH_BACKEND like this :
docker run -d -e SEARCH_BACKEND=sqlalchemy -p 5000:5000 --name registry samalba/docker-registry
Then i have a result for this query :
GET http://registry_host:5000/v1/search?q=base
Result :
"num_results": 1,
"query": "base",
"results": [{"description": "", "name": "test/base-img"}]
To list all images, you can do this :
GET http://registry_host:5000/v1/search
Result :
"num_results": 2,
"query": "",
"results": [
{"description": "", "name": "test/base-img"},
{"description": "", "name": "test/base-test"}]
And to know the available versions of an image :
GET http://localhost:5000/v1/repositories/**test/base-img**/tags
Result :
"0.1": "04e073e1efd31f50011dcde9b9f4d3148ecc4da94c0b7ba9abfadef5a8522d13",
"0.2": "04e073e1efd31f50011dcde9b9f4d3148ecc4da94c0b7ba9abfadef5a8522d13",
"0.3": "04e073e1efd31f50011dcde9b9f4d3148ecc4da94c0b7ba9abfadef5a8522d13"