Some C# code executes a powershell script with arguments. I want to get a returncode and a string back from Powershell to know, if everything was ok inside the Powershell script
CB.'s answer worked great for me with a minor change. I did not see this posted anywhere (in regards to C# and PowerShell) so I wanted to post it.
In my PowerShell script I created created a Hashtable, stored 2 values in it (a Boolean and an Int) and then converted that into a PSObject:
$Obj = @{}
if($RoundedResults -ilt $Threshold)
$Obj.bool = $true
$Obj.value = $RoundedResults
$Obj.bool = $false
$Obj.value = $RoundedResults
$ResultObj = (New-Object PSObject -Property $Obj)
return $ResultObj
And then in my C# code I did the same thing that CB. did but I had to use Convert.ToString
in order to successfully get the values back:
ReturnInfo ri = new ReturnInfo();
foreach (PSObject p in psObjects)
ri.ReturnCode = Convert.ToBoolean(p.Properties["ReturnCode"].Value;)
ri.ReturnText = Convert.ToString(p.Properties["ReturnString"].Value;)
I found the answer to this via the following StackOverflow post:
Where Kieren Johnstone says:
Use Convert.ToDouble(value) rather than (double)value. It takes an object and supports all of the types you asked for! :)