Jade looks like a cool templating engine and I think I\'ll be using it for my next project. However, some of the syntax doesn\'t make sense to me.
What do you get by doi
Actually jade/pug syntax allows plain HTML (or any other plain text) through the use of 3 syntaxes, as you can see in the reference on the project's site.
dot syntax (also known as "Block in a Tag")
- Book A
- Book B
pipe syntax (also known as "Piped Text")
| - Book A
| - Book B
tag syntax (also know as "Inline in a Tag"), "Simply place some content after the tag", can also do the trick
li Book A
which will render
Back to your question, your sample
could be written as simple as
h3= book.name
Which is a lot more readable I think, so in that case you should consider a bad practice writing raw HTML, but not always.
IMO, common sense is the best good practice. Maybe i would consider using a raw chunk of HTML to insert a widget on the page, i.e. a youtube video or a custom google map
As said above, here doesn't makes sense to use the attribute syntax. The result is nearly the same, and is quicker leaving the raw html.
iframe(width="425", height="350", frameborder="0", scrolling="no", marginheight="0", marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.es/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=217708588685721440865.0004d1d4faefdd11adf39&ie=UTF8&ll=43.167638,-7.838262&spn=1.010793,0.991384&t=m&output=embed")
iframe(width="420", height="315", src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_Vkm2nMM3-Q", frameborder="0", allowfullscreen)