If I\'d switch from Sun JDK to OpenJDK which surprises do I have to prepare myself for?
What does frequently go wrong and how difficult can this be?
Of course, e
It is unlikely that anything will go wrong with OpenJDK. It is considered 100% compatible by now. But I think it is good to know what parts had to be rewritten and therefore are not using the same code as the SunJDK.
The Wikipedia entry has a good overview of this:
As of May 2008, the only part of the Class library that remains proprietary and closed-source (4% as of May 2007 for OpenJDK 7, and less than 1% as of May 2008 and OpenJDK 6) is the SNMP implementation.
Since the first May 2007 release, Sun Microsystems, with the help of the community, has released as free and open-source software or replaced with free and open-source alternatives almost all the encumbered code:
All the audio engine code, including the software synthesizer, has been released as Open-source. The closed-source software synthesizer has been replaced by a new synthesizer developed specifically for OpenJDK called Gervill,
All cryptography classes used in the Class library have been released as Open-source,
The code that scales and rasterizes fonts has been replaced by FreeType
The native color management system has been replaced by LittleCMS. There is a pluggable layer in the JDK, so that the commercial version can use the old color management system and OpenJDK can use LittleCMS.
The anti-aliasing graphics rasterizer code has been replaced by the Open-sourced Pisces renderer used in the phoneME project. This code is fully functional, but still needs some performance enhancements,
The JavaScript plugin has been open-sourced (the Rhino JavaScript engine itself was open-sourced from the beginning).