I\'m working on a Haskell project that involves tying a big knot: I\'m parsing a serialized representation of a graph, where each node is at some offset into the file, and may r
Regarding the implementation, I would make it a composition of a Reader monad (for the future) and a State monad (for past/present). The reason is that you set your future only once (in tie
) and then don't change it.
{-# LANGUAGE DoRec, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative
newtype RecStateT s m a = RecStateT (StateT s (ReaderT s m) a) deriving
( Alternative
, Applicative
, Functor
, Monad
, MonadPlus
tie :: MonadFix m => RecStateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
tie (RecStateT m) s = do
rec (a, s') <- flip runReaderT s' $ flip runStateT s m
return (a, s')
getPast :: Monad m => RecStateT s m s
getPast = RecStateT get
getFuture :: Monad m => RecStateT s m s
getFuture = RecStateT ask
putPresent :: Monad m => s -> RecStateT s m ()
putPresent = RecStateT . put
Regarding your second question, it'd help to know your dataflow (i.e. to have a minimal example of your code). It's not true that strict patterns always lead to loops. It's true that you need to be careful so as not to create a non-producing loop, but the exact restrictions depend on what and how you're building.