It seems that a priority queue is just a heap with normal queue operations like insert, delete, top, etc. Is this the correct way to interpret a priority queue? I know you can b
The C++ Standard Template Library provides the make_heap, push_heap and pop_heap algorithms for heaps (usually implemented as binary heaps), which operate on arbitrary random access iterators. It treats the iterators as a reference to an array, and uses the array-to-heap conversion. It also provides the container adaptor priority_queue, which wraps these facilities in a container-like class. However, there is no standard support for the decrease/increase-key operation.
priority_queue referes to abstract data type defined entirely by the operations that may be performed on it. In C++ STL prioroty_queue
is thus one of the sequence adapters - adaptors of basic containers (vector, list and deque are basic because they cannot be built from each other without loss of efficiency), defined in
header (
in my case actually). As can be seen from its definition, (as Bjarne Stroustrup says):
container adapter provides a restricted interface to a container. In particular, adapters do not provide iterators; they are intended to be used only through their specialized interfaces.
On my implementation prioroty_queue
is described as
* @brief A standard container automatically sorting its contents.
* @ingroup sequences
* This is not a true container, but an @e adaptor. It holds
* another container, and provides a wrapper interface to that
* container. The wrapper is what enforces priority-based sorting
* and %queue behavior. Very few of the standard container/sequence
* interface requirements are met (e.g., iterators).
* The second template parameter defines the type of the underlying
* sequence/container. It defaults to std::vector, but it can be
* any type that supports @c front(), @c push_back, @c pop_back,
* and random-access iterators, such as std::deque or an
* appropriate user-defined type.
* The third template parameter supplies the means of making
* priority comparisons. It defaults to @c less but
* can be anything defining a strict weak ordering.
* Members not found in "normal" containers are @c container_type,
* which is a typedef for the second Sequence parameter, and @c
* push, @c pop, and @c top, which are standard %queue operations.
* @note No equality/comparison operators are provided for
* %priority_queue.
* @note Sorting of the elements takes place as they are added to,
* and removed from, the %priority_queue using the
* %priority_queue's member functions. If you access the elements
* by other means, and change their data such that the sorting
* order would be different, the %priority_queue will not re-sort
* the elements for you. (How could it know to do so?)
typename _Compare = less >
class priority_queue
In opposite to this, heap describes how its elements are being fetched and stored in memory. It is a (tree based) data structure, others are i.e array, hash table, struct, union, set..., that in addition satisfies heap property: all nodes are either [greater than or equal to] or [less than or equal to] each of its children, according to a comparison predicate defined for the heap.
So in my heap header I find no heap container, but rather a set of algorithms
* @defgroup heap_algorithms Heap Algorithms
* @ingroup sorting_algorithms
all of them (excluding __is_heap, commented as "This function is an extension, not part of the C++ standard") described as
* @ingroup heap_algorithms
* This operation... (what it does)