I can\'t seem to find an option or anything that allows me to skip migrations.
I know what you\'re thinking: \"you should never have to do that...\"
I need to sk
sometimes, it is necessary to re-fill schema_migrations
table with definitely correct migrations...
ONLY FOR THIS PURPOSE i have created this method
def self.insert_missing_migrations(stop_migration=nil)
files = Dir.glob("db/migrate/*")
timestamps = files.collect{|f| f.split("/").last.split("_").first}
only_n_first_migrations = timestamps.split(stop_migration).first
only_n_first_migrations.each do |version|
sql = "insert into `schema_migrations` (`version`) values (#{version})"
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) rescue nil
you can copy-paste it into any model you want and use it from console
(or somehow else)
where "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- is timestamp of migration before which you want to stop insertion (you can leave it empty)
!!! use it only if you absolutely understand what result will you get !!!