I\'m doing code review and came across a class that uses all static methods. The entrance method takes several arguments and then starts calling the other static methods passin
"state of a class is ...passed around amongst static methods using arguments?" This is how procedual programming works.
A class with all static methods, and no instance variables (except static final constants) is normally a utility class, eg Math. There is nothing wrong with making a unility class, (not in an of itself) BTW: If making a utility class, you chould prevent the class aver being used to crteate an object. in java you would do this by explictily defining the constructor, but making the constructor private. While as i said there is nothing wrong with creating a utility class, If the bulk of the work is being done by a utiulity class (wich esc. isn't a class in the usual sense - it's more of a collection of functions) then this is prob as sign the problem hasn't been solved using the object orientated paradim. this may or maynot be a good thing
The entrance method takes several arguments and then starts calling the other static methods passing along all or some of the arguments the entrance method received. from the sound of this, the whole class is just effectivly one method (this would definatly be the case is al lthe other static methods are private (and are just helper functions), and there are no instance variables (baring constants)) This may be and Ok thing, It's esc. structured/procedual progamming, rather neat having them (the function and it's helper)all bundled in one class. (in C you'ld just put them all in one file, and declare the helper's static (meaning can't be accesses from out side this file))