I have this curiosity for 25 years and I would love to understand the trick.
In the Commodore 64 the border was not addressable by the 6569 VIC. All you could do was to
The Microsoft flight simulator drew on the border. For one, we can achieve border drawing effects by changing the border color at the right time. LOGO for example had a split screen mode for the Turtle graphics, where the screen was switched between HiRes graphics above and a few lines of text below. The frame was also differently colored. So it is easy to do a horizon effect, green pastures below and blue sky above (as in the Flight Simulator) which effect extends to the frame.
When you run the wild frame flicker program, like
C000 LDX #00
STX D020
STX D020
BEQ C002
then you get the color to change at every 10-20 pixels or so. That's the fastest change you can get, I think. So you can draw a horizontal line on the border.
And you can time this by using the same vertical line register in the VIC at $D012 and the bit 7 of $D011, You can read the current scan line from that register. But if you write to it, and you enable the low bit in the register $D01A then the VIC will signal and IRQ when the scan hits that line. So that's how the split screen effect is accomplished.
Here is an example. First I set up my interrupt routine:
C000 SEI ; disable interrupt
LDA #1F ; set interrupt routine to C01F
STA 0314 ; set low byte
LDA #C0 ; high byte
STA 0315 ; set
LDA #C0 ; raster position for horizon
STA D012 ; set to raster position interrupt
LDA D011 ; and for the high bit of the raster position
AND #7F ; clear the high bit
STA D011 ; and set the cleared high bit
LDA #F1 ; enable the raster interrupt
STA D01A ; in the appropriate register
CLI ; allow interrupt
RTS ; return from subroutine
And here is my actual interrupt routine now:
C01F LDA D019 ; load VIC interrupt register
STA D019 ; and clear it
BMI C02E ; if highest bit is set, go to our routine
LDA DC0D ; else disable CIA interrupt
CLI ; enable interrupt
JMP EA31 ; continue with normal system interrupt routine
C02E LDA D012 ; load current vertical scan line
CMP #01 ; is it just about the first line?
BCS C042 ; if not jump to bottom part
LDA #03 ; cyan
STA D020 ; set border color (sky)
LDA #C0 ; horizon level
STA D012 ; set vertical scan interrupt to occur at horizon
JMP EA81 ; continue with normal interrupt minus cursor blink
C042 LDA #00 ; black to draw a piece of horizontal line on the horizon
STA D020 ; set border color
LDX #08 ; a short busy loop
C049 DEX
BNE C049
LDA #01 ; white to draw on the right side horizon
STA D020 ; set border color
LDX #02 ; very short busy loop
C053 DEX
BNE C053
LDA #05 ; finally green as the grass
STA D020 ; set border color
LDA #00 ; next scan line interrupt at top of screen
STA DO12 ; set scan line interrupt
JMP EA81 ; continue normal interrupt sans cursor blink
With the following glorious result: