I have a project that is using git and have tagged all the releases with a tag.
$ git tag
My goal is to list
One more option:
git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) | %(creatordate)" "refs/tags/*"
See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-for-each-ref#_field_names for format options
gives the date of the commit pointed to, to see the date the tag was created on use %(taggerdate)
You can incorporate the shell directly:
$> git for-each-ref --shell --format="ref=%(refname:short) dt=%(taggerdate:format:%s)" "refs/tags/*"
ref='v1.10' dt='1483807817'
ref='v1.11' dt='1483905854'
ref='v1.12.0' dt='1483974797'
ref='v1.12.1' dt='1484015966'
ref='v1.13' dt='1484766542'
ref='v1.2' dt='1483414377'
ref='v1.3' dt='1483415058'
ref='v1.3-release' dt='' <-- not an annotated tag, just a pointer to a commit so no 'taggerdate', it would have a 'creator date'.
ref='v1.3.1' dt='1483487085'
ref='v1.4' dt='1483730146'
ref='v1.9' dt='1483802985'