Consider the following array:
Perhaps porting the algorithm Python's os.path.commonprefix(m)
uses would work?
def commonprefix(m):
"Given a list of pathnames, returns the longest common leading component"
if not m: return ''
s1 = min(m)
s2 = max(m)
n = min(len(s1), len(s2))
for i in xrange(n):
if s1[i] != s2[i]:
return s1[:i]
return s1[:n]
That is, uh... something like
function commonprefix($m) {
if(!$m) return "";
$s1 = min($m);
$s2 = max($m);
$n = min(strlen($s1), strlen($s2));
for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) if($s1[$i] != $s2[$i]) return substr($s1, 0, $i);
return substr($s1, 0, $n);
After that you can just substr each element of the original list with the length of the common prefix as the start offset.