Consider the following array:
A naive approach would be to explode the paths at the /
and successive compare every element in the arrays. So e.g. the first element would be empty in all arrays, so it will be removed, the next element will be www
, it is the same in all arrays, so it gets removed, etc.
Something like (untested)
$exploded_paths = array();
foreach($paths as $path) {
$exploded_paths[] = explode('/', $path);
$equal = true;
$ref = &$exploded_paths[0]; // compare against the first path for simplicity
while($equal) {
foreach($exploded_paths as $path_parts) {
if($path_parts[0] !== $ref[0]) {
$equal = false;
if($equal) {
foreach($exploded_paths as &$path_parts) {
array_shift($path_parts); // remove the first element
Afterwards you just have to implode the elements in $exploded_paths
function impl($arr) {
return '/' . implode('/', $arr);
$paths = array_map('impl', $exploded_paths);
Which gives me:
[0] => /lib/abcdedd
[1] => /conf/xyz
[2] => /conf/abc/def
[3] => /htdocs/xyz
[4] => /conf/xyz
This might not scale well ;)