I\'ve been playing around with image processing lately, and I\'d like to know how the unsharp mask algorithm works. I\'m looking at the source code for Gimp and it\'s implement
I wasn't sure how it worked either but came across a couple of really good pages for understanding it. Basically it goes like this:
Finally put it all together. You have three things at this point:
The algorithm goes like this: Look at a pixel from the unsharp mask and find out its luminosity (brightness). If the luminosity is 100%, use the value from the high-contrast image for this pixel. If it is 0%, use the value from the original image for this pixel. If it's somewhere in-between, mix the two pixels' values using some weighting. Optionally, only change the value of the pixel if it changes by more than a certain amount (this is the Threshold slider on most USM dialogs).
Put it all together and you've got your image!
Here's some pseudocode:
color[][] usm(color[][] original, int radius, int amountPercent, int threshold) {
// copy original for our return value
color[][] retval = copy(original);
// create the blurred copy
color[][] blurred = gaussianBlur(original, radius);
// subtract blurred from original, pixel-by-pixel to make unsharp mask
color[][] unsharpMask = difference(original, blurred);
color[][] highContrast = increaseContrast(original, amountPercent);
// assuming row-major ordering
for(int row = 0; row < original.length; row++) {
for(int col = 0; col < original[row].length; col++) {
color origColor = original[row][col];
color contrastColor = highContrast[row][col];
color difference = contrastColor - origColor;
float percent = luminanceAsPercent(unsharpMask[row][col]);
color delta = difference * percent;
if(abs(delta) > threshold)
retval[row][col] += delta;
return retval;
Note: I'm no graphics expert, but this is what I was able to learn from the pages I found. Read them yourself and make sure you agree with my findings, but implementing the above should be simple enough, so give it a shot!