Meteor\'s accounts-facebook
package was very easy to set up. To input the Facebook app ID and secret token, I loaded my meteor web app in a browser, and clicked on
This will simply delete all services at startup and reinsert them based upon your settings.json (meteor --settings settings.json) Coffee-script equivalent:
@privateSettings = Meteor.settings.private
for s in
ServiceConfiguration.configurations.remove service: s.service
ServiceConfiguration.configurations.insert s
Settings stored in settings.json:
"private": {
"services": [{
"service": "google",
"clientId": "",
"secret": "yoursecret"
"service": "twitter",
"consumerKey": "yourconsumerkey",
"secret": "yoursecret"
"service": "facebook",
"appId": "yourappid",
"secret": "yoursecret"