I have a shell script, pretty big one. Now my boss says I must rewrite it in Perl. Is there any way to write a Perl script and use the existing shell code as is in my Perl scrip
I agree that learning Perl and trying to write Perl instead of shell is for the greater good. I did the transfer once with the help of the "Replace" function of Notepad++.
However, I had a similar problem to the one initially asked while I was trying to create a Perl wrapper around a shell script (that could execute it).
I came with the following code that works in my case.
It might help.
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
#Variables read from shell
our %VAR;
open SH, "<$ARGV[0]" or die "Error while trying to read $ARGV[0] ($!)\n";
my @SH=;
close SH;
#Subroutine to execute shell from Perl (read from array)
sub sh2perl {
my %case; #To store data from conditional block of "case"
my %if; #To store data from conditional block of "if"
foreach my $line (@_) {
#Remove blanks at the beginning and EOL character
chomp $line;
#Comments and blank lines
if ($line=~/^(#.*|\s*)$/) {
#Do nothing
#Conditional block - Case
elsif ($line=~/case.*in/..$line=~/esac/) {
if ($line=~/case\s*(.*?)\s*\in/) {
} elsif ($line=~/esac/) {
delete $case{'curr_pattern'};
#Run conditional block
my $case;
map { $case=$_ if $case{'var'}=~/$_/ } @{$case{'list_patterns'}};
$case ? sh2perl(@{$case{'patterns'}->{$case}}) : sh2perl(@{$case{'patterns'}->{"*"}});
} elsif ($line=~/^\s*(.*?)\s*\)/) {
push(@{$case{'list_patterns'}}, $case{'curr_pattern'}) unless ($line=~m%\*\)%)
} else {
push(@{$case{'patterns'}->{ $case{'curr_pattern'} }}, $line);
#Conditional block - if
elsif ($line=~/^if/..$line=~/^fi/) {
if ($line=~/if\s*\[\s*(.*\S)\s*\];/) {
} elsif ($line=~/fi/) {
delete $if{'curr_cond'};
#Run conditional block
$if{'condition'} ? sh2perl(@{$if{'TRUE'}}) : sh2perl(@{$if{'FALSE'}});
} elsif ($line=~/^else/) {
} else {
push(@{$if{ $if{'curr_cond'} }}, $line);
elsif($line=~/^echo\s+"?(.*?[^"])"?\s*$/) {
my $str=$1;
#echo with redirection
if ($str=~m%[>\|]%) {
eval { system(transform($line)) };
if ($@) { warn "Error while evaluating $line: $@\n"; }
#print new line
} elsif ($line=~/^echo ""$/) {
print "\n";
} else {
print transform($str),"\n";
elsif($line=~/^\s*cd\s+(.*)/) {
chdir $1;
elsif($line=~/^export\s+((\w+).*)/) {
my ($var,$exported)=($2,$1);
if ($exported=~/^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
while($exported=~/(\w+)\s*=\s*"?(.*?\S)"?\s*(;(?:\s*export\s+)?|$)/g) { $VAR{$1}=transform($2); }
# export($var,$VAR{$var});
print "Exported variable $var = $VAR{$var}\n";
#Variable assignment
elsif ($line=~/^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
$1 eq "" or $VAR{$1}=""; #Empty variable
while($line=~/(\w+)\s*=\s*"?(.*?\S)"?\s*(;|$)/g) {
elsif ($line=~/^source\s*(.*\.sh)/) {
open SOURCE, "<$1" or die "Error while trying to open $1 ($!)\n";