I have a shell script, pretty big one. Now my boss says I must rewrite it in Perl. Is there any way to write a Perl script and use the existing shell code as is in my Perl scrip
The inline shell thingy is called system
. If you have user-defined functions you're trying to expose to Perl, you're out of luck. However, you can run short bits of shell using the same environment as your running Perl program. You can also gradually replace parts of the shell script with Perl. Start writing a module that replicates the shell script functionality and insert Perly bits into the shell script until you eventually have mostly Perl.
There's no shell-to-Perl translator. There was a long running joke about a csh-to-Perl translator that you could email your script to, but that was really just Tom Christainsen translating it for you to show you how cool Perl was back in the early 90s. Randal Schwartz uploaded a sh-to-Perl translator, but you have to check the upload date: it was April Fool's day. His script merely wrapped everything in system
Whatever you do, don't lose the original shell script. :)