I found a quite nice solution and posted it below as an answer. The result will look like this:
I think resample('W') is a better way to do this - by default it groups by weeks ending on Sunday ('W' is the same as 'W-SUN') but you can specify whatever you want.
In your example, try this:
grouped = (df
.apply(lambda g: # work on groups of col1
.resample('W', how='sum') # sum the amount field across weeks
.unstack(level=0) # pivot the col1 index rows to columns
grouped.columns=grouped.columns.droplevel() # drop the 'col1' part of the multi-index column names
print grouped
which should print your data table and make a plot similar to yours, but with "real" date labels:
col1 A B C D E F G H
2013-11-03 18 0 9 0 8 0 0 4
2013-11-10 4 11 0 1 16 2 15 2
2013-11-17 10 14 19 8 13 6 9 8
2013-11-24 10 13 13 0 0 13 15 10
2013-12-01 6 3 19 8 8 17 8 12
2013-12-08 5 15 5 7 12 0 11 8
2013-12-15 8 6 11 11 0 16 6 14
2013-12-22 16 3 13 8 8 11 15 0
2013-12-29 1 3 6 10 7 7 17 15
2014-01-05 12 7 10 11 6 0 1 12
2014-01-12 13 0 17 0 23 0 10 12
2014-01-19 10 9 2 3 8 1 18 3
2014-01-26 24 9 8 1 19 10 0 3
2014-02-02 1 6 16 0 0 10 8 13