This is an interview question. Suppose there are a few computers and each computer keeps a very large log file of visited URLs. Find the top ten most visited URLs.
Given the scale of the log files and the generic nature of the question, this is quite a difficult problem to solve. I do not think that there is one best algorithm for all situations. It depends on the nature of the contents of the log files. For example, take the corner case that all URLs are all unique in all log files. In that case, basically any solution will take a long time to draw that conclusion (if it even gets that far...), and there is not even an answer to your question because there is no top-ten.
I do not have a watertight algorithm that I can present, but I would explore a solution that uses histograms of hash values of the URLs as opposed to the URLs themselves. These histograms can be calculated by means of one-pass file reads, so it can deal with arbitrary size log files. In pseudo-code, I would go for something like this:
Note that this mechanism will require tuning and optimization with regard to several aspects of the algorithm and hash-functions. It will also need orchestration by the server as to which calculations should be done at any time. It probably will also need to set some boundaries in order to conclude when no conclusion can be drawn, in other words when the "spectrum" of URL hash values is too flat to make it worth the effort to continue calculations.
This approach should work well if there is a clear distribution in the URLs though. I suspect that, practically speaking, the question only makes sense in that case anyway.