I have an authentication service that makes the authenticated variable equal to true or false.
I think that you could leverage the get / set syntax of TypeScript to detect when your authenticated property of your service is updated:
private _authenticated:Boolean = false;
get authenticated():Boolean {
return this._authenticated ;
set authenticated ( authenticated Boolean) {
// Plugin some processing here
this._ authenticated = authenticated;
When assigning a value, the "set authenticated" block is called. For example with such code:
this.authenticated = true;
See this question for more details:
That said you could also leverage an EventEmitter property in the service. When the authenticated property is updated, the corresponding event could be fired.
export class AuthService {
authenticatedChange: Subject = new Subject();
constructor() {}
emit(authenticated) {
subscribe(component, callback) {
// set 'this' to component when callback is called
return this.authenticatedChange.subscribe(data => {
callback(component, data);
See this link for more details: