Write a function that accepts string as a parameter, returning evaluated value of expression in dice notation, including addition and multiplication.
JAVASCRIPT, 1399 chars, no eval
old post, i know. but i try to contribute
Roll = window.Roll || {};
Roll.range = function (str) {
var rng_min, rng_max, str_split,
delta, value;
str = str.replace(/\s+/g, "");
str_split = str.split("-");
rng_min = str_split[0];
rng_max = str_split[1];
rng_min = parseInt(rng_min) || 0;
rng_max = Math.max(parseInt(rng_max), rng_min) || rng_min;
delta = (rng_max - rng_min + 1);
value = Math.random() * delta;
value = parseInt(value);
return value + rng_min;
Roll.rollStr = function (str) {
var check,
qta, max, dice, mod_opts, mod,
rng_min, rng_max,
rolls = [], value = 0;
str = str.replace(/\s+/g, "");
check = str.match(/(?:^[-+]?(\d+)?(?:\/(\d+))?[dD](\d+)(?:([-+])(\d+)\b)?$|^(\d+)\-(\d+)$)/);
if (check == null) {return "ERROR"}
qta = check[1];
max = check[2];
dice = check[3];
mod_opts = check[4];
mod = check[5];
rng_min = check[6];
rng_max = check[7];
check = check[0];
if (rng_min && rng_max) {return Roll.range(str)}
dice = parseInt(dice);
mod_opts = mod_opts || "";
mod = parseInt(mod) || 0;
qta = parseInt(qta) || 1;
max = Math.max(parseInt(max), qta) || qta;
for (var val; max--;) {
val = Math.random() * dice;
val = Math.floor(val) + 1;
if (max != qta) {
rolls.sort(function (a, b) {return a < b});
rolls.unshift(rolls.splice(0, qta));
while (rolls[0][0]) {value += rolls[0].shift();}
if (mod_opts == "-") {value -= mod;}
else {value += mod;}
return value
if (!window.diceRoll) {window.diceRoll= Roll.rollStr;}
it's a single dice roll, like "2d8+2" or "4-18" "3/4d6" (best 3 of 4 d6)
to check cumulative rolls, better loop on matched result ove rthe input string like
r = "2d8+2+3/4d6"
// => ["2d8+2", "+3/4d6"]
// a program can manage the "+" or "-" on the second one (usually is always an addiction)