Kubernetes newbie (or rather basic networking) question: Installed single node minikube (0.23 release) on a ubuntu box running in my lan (on IP address 192.168
Jeff Prouty added useful answer:
I was able to get running with something as simple as:
kubectl proxy --address='' --disable-filter=true
But for me it didn't worked initially.
I run this command on the CentOS 7 machine with running kubectl (local IP:
When I tried to access dashboard from another computer (which was in LAN obviously):
then only timeout was in my web browser.
The solution for my case is that in CentOS 7 (and probably other distros) you need to open port 8001
in your OS firewall.
So in my case I need to run in CentOS 7 terminal:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8001/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
And after that. It works! :)
Of course you need to be aware that this is not safe solution, because anybody have access to your dashbord now. But I think that for local lab testing it will be sufficient.
In other linux distros, command for opening ports in firewall can be different. Please use google for that.