I am trying to make a few interactive graph visualisations in my Django web application using Python. I found Graphviz and was able to output a static graph (as a .png image) on
I've did what you are trying to do not too long ago. The context was visualizing a gnarly SalesForce schema.
First thing, graphviz is only good for plotting, not really for drawing. You can generate SVG, but I could not get it to work with I.E. after a considerable of (what turned out to be fruitless) effort.
I DID find this Java Applet ZGRViewer to suffice, and while applets feel a bit dated for my taste, it worked very well cross browser.
I basically hand coded a process invoking service that generated the dot files and ran them thought (dotty, is think?) - the visulazation applet reads the native dot file format.
I also came accross something that I thought about for a V2 (which never happened) - it is part of the AJAX control toolkit - Seadragon.
If you want to see the code in ASP.NET, I can post it.