Is it possible to create an attribute for a class that is an array? I tried reading this but I didn\'t get much out of it. I want to do something like this:
t.text :thearray, :default => [].to_yaml
In the model use serialize:
class MyModel
serialize :thearray, Array
As Marnen says in his answer, it would be good to know what kind of info you want to store in that array, a serialized attribute may not be the best option.
[Marten Veldthuis' warning] Be careful about changing the serialized array. If you change it directly like this:
my_model.thearray = [1,2,3]
That works fine, but if you do this:
my_model.thearray << 4
Then ActiveRecord won't detect that the value of thearray has changed. To tell AR about that change, you need to do this:
my_model.thearray << 4