I am an amateur web designer, I have searched on stackoverflow.com and other websites and have found many fixes for this issue I\'m having, but none of them have worked (probabl
Hidden fields, silly questions (what is 3+4?), etc, are not very effective at blocking spam on forms.
I researched this several years ago, and came up with a solution I call "FormSpammerTrap". It uses JavaScript code to 'watch' for focus/onclick on required fields. Automated processes, unless highly customized for a specific site (which takes more time than spambot owners want to take), can't 'focus/onclick' a required field.
I have a free solution at my www.FormSpammerTrap.com site. And there's a form there that spambots can try to spam...and they haven't, for more than 3 years. You are welcome to try it out...it's all open source, so you can see how it works. (And, if you use the form, I don't harvest your email. I reply once, then delete your email.)
My technique is much more effective in blocking spambots. They haven't been able to spambot the contact form on that site.